Run Procedure or Function in Oracle

Dear Sirs.

Please I need help with the following topic:

How can I run a Procedure or Funtion that is in oracle.

Thank you,


You can create a connector, for instance.
I have one like that:

declare teste varchar2(255); ret number; BEGIN ret := FN_GRMOVEST_NEGATIVO (100,505,0,${movimento},${value},72,${cc},null,null,9999,2008,'9','${produto}','E',${quantidade},'${oracle_date}','L',1,null,null,'${validade}','PA',null,null,0,1,teste,${vl_unit},null,null); end;

The thing is, oracle is a b*tch to run procedures and functions straight from plane code, so you need to use that variable sintaxe over there as an exit.

Hope it helps.

Hello, your question has not enough details. Could you please tell us the version of Bonita BPM, and what you want to achieve ? (what kind of process, …)

Thanks for responding, my version is 6.2.4 bonitasft (64 bits). The client has functions and procedures of performing a process then they should run.

Any idea how to call functions or execute these procedures are in Oracle 11R2.


Thanks for answering.

Please if you can help me step by step to the implementation, because I can not do it.


Santillanh, is it ok for you, or could you be interested by some expertise ?

Sorry Sir.
The lines are exposed sql code, and creating a new connector:
1 -. Development.
1.1 connectors
1.1.1 Definition: in category I select oracle, and put no dependence?

I have not done before and connectors is necessary to solve this problem.

Thank you very much before hand.

Thank you,