running Bonita portal and engine from BonitaBPMCommunity

Dear All
I am new to use Bonita.I have a question, is it possible to run Bonita portal and engine like Bonita BPM App Server Bundles from the BonitaBPMCommunity7.3 that i have installed before?
if answer is yes how?

Thanks in Advance

Yes, just download the appropriate modules…

Click on Customize your download

Click on Production Tab and download the necessary module.


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

Thanks for your answer Sean, By the way, I just want to customize Bonita Portal. so, How can i do it in Bonita BPM web application(JBoss or Tomcat Server) in production tab in download page?

I think you misunderstood my question. I used Bonita JBoss web application bundle one month ago.some months ago i have installed BonitaBPM Community version 7.3 in UBUNTU. is it possible i run portal independent like bundle from BonitaBPM Community? there is no script like “bonita-start.bat” or “” in Community version.

Best Regard.

To Customize Production Portal and is explained in various other posts, however here is the short version:

  1. Backup the Bonitasoft database
  2. Extract the two files Content.Zip and CSSContent.txt from the Bonitasoft database table Theme (these are BLOB columns (CONTENT and CSSCONTENT respectively))
  3. Make changes according to this post (when I find the link I’ll let you know)
  4. reZip Content.Zip correctly
  5. Import the two files Content.Zip and CSSContent.txt to the Bonitasoft database table Theme overwriting the previous data (CONTENT and CSSCONTENT columns respectively)

Hope this helps


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.


Just in case this would interest someone, as I had to search hard what was going on with the theme because I needed to change it a bit (colors, logos mostly). Here is what I found.

This applies to the Studio and to the Tomcat deployment, at least on version 7.5, till Bonitasoft change the behavior of their product.

Whenever the bonita application is started (when the Studio is started, or when Tomcat is started, or when the bonita application inside Tomcat is started), a copy of the portal theme is extracted from a couple of ZIP that resides as a resource in the bonita application (WEB-INF/classes/, WEB-INF/classes/ This copy is installed in a working directory (temp/bonita_portal_<pid>@<hostname>) and used by the application.

This is why any on-place customization is lost when we restart the studio or tomcat.

It is not a good idea to patch the ZIP there, because it is part of the official application, and any change will be lost if bonita.war is removed or updated.

To use one’s own version of this ZIP, it should be placed as a resource somewhere in Tomcat’s loader path. The problem is that the default loader gives priority to the application’s resources, thus if I put a custom copy of the ZIP somewhere (such as in {catalina.base}/bonita for example) and I put this directory in Tomcat’s resources path, the original version will still be loaded by Tomcat and copied to the working place.

The trick is to customize the Tomcat loader so that it will seek our custom resources (theme ZIP) in lieu of the file which is in WEB-INF/classes.

It is easy, another loader has just to be defined in the application’s context or in Tomcat global context. either in conf/Context.xml (global context) or in conf/Catalina/localhost/bonita.xml (*) :

=> Add the following lines in the Context tag:
<Loader className="org.apache.catalina.loader.VirtualWebappLoader" virtualClasspath="${catalina.base}/bonita" searchVirtualFirst="true" />
=> the ZIP (and other resources) will be searched first in ${catalina.base}/bonita, then in the application.

VirtualWebappLoader is provided with Tomcat 7.

We have now to unzip the original or, apply any customization, zip it back and put a copy into ${catalina.base}/bonita.

Restart the Studio or Tomcat.

That’s all.

(*) Depending on how Tomcat is launched, it is possible that conf/Catalina/localhost/bonita.xml is overwritten by the file in workspace/tomcat/setup/tomcat-templates, in this case one should rather customize bonita.xml in this directory.

Thanks, @michel.rv!

The solution worked for Tomcat 8.5, Bonita Studio 7.7.4, as below:

  1. Add below code in tomcat\server\conf\context.xml in Context tag

  2. Make a new directory, named “bonita” in tomcat\server and placed the changed zip file in it.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Edit: I am able to change the logo, but color changes are not affecting.
I have done changes in \ skin \ skin.config.less , of course by unzipping, but alas!

Also, I have checked the temp folder in the server directory


this css file contains the red color (#dd0033 defined in skin.config.less as @mainAccentColor) everywhere, My understanding is that bonita.css (above mentioned) is generated at runtime.

Amigos aun no puedo cambiar el color y el logo, los cambios se borrar cuando renicio bonitasoft

I think this is a relevant question to get discussed. I have the same doubt which you have mentioned here so that I would like to know more on this topic. Hope you will provide more information as soon as possible. Orange County garage door repair


On BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.1-wildfly-10.1.0.Final version - Every time you restart then the Bonitasoft database table Theme - resets to the original content.

Any ideas how to disable this?

Did you find a solution for this? I am having the same problem.

Hi Reza,

I Didn’t understand the question? I think therefore the question must have been flawed…

In your original question there is no mention of running JBoss, or more importantly “…I just want to Customize…”

What do you mean Customize? Colour? Settings? Languages? Fonts?

Try to make the questions clearer.

bonita-start.bat and are simple shortcuts to the startup.bat and in the \bin folder and start Tomcat or JBoss. If you are using the non-bundled version of Bonitasoft then you have to provide your own starting mechanism.


yes, you got my question. I download the production version then i config it and it works well. so i want to customize it like changing color or fonts or language or image or anything else.there are some css files but i can’t modify them.

i’m using microsoft sql server management studio and in bonita engine database there is theme table then i see the content and csscontent. so, there are saved as binary. How can i edit this files?
on the other hand, how can i extract and csscontent.txt from Bonita table theme?

Best Regard.

Your guidance was perfect.i surf the net and finally i find the DBVisualizer tool. It is the universal database tool for developers, DBAs and analysts. It is the perfect solution since the same tool can be used on all major operating systems accessing a wide range of databases. by using this tool, I can modify the css content column that is stored in theme table.

Dear Sean
They are the CSS Content files that have succeeded in changing colors and fonts in a Bonita Portal. so, what about images such as logo and admin login image. How can i change them?
where are these saved in database i mean in which table?


In the community edition (not sure of the others) you can change the login screen logo by dropping the new image into tomcat/webapps/bonita and editing the “img src” line in the login.jsp file in the same directory. No need to hack the journal.db in my experience.


If it worked for you can you please let me know the image path () to be edited in “img src” line of login.jsp file?