Search case by variable


I’m using Bonita 7.2.2. I have a process A which has a variable b. I want to search a process instance of process A from outside a process using value of variable b. Is there any filter or REST api available to search a process instance with variable value.

Any Help.?

Thank you.


I had the regarding tab open:
“Case Variable” : get or search for a case variable

Standard search parameters are available.
f = case_id%3d[caseId] to indicate that you want to add a filter on ‘case_id’ with value [caseId] (%3d is the URL-encoded ‘=’ (equals) sign)

Hope this helps.



On Efficency and Performance editions you can make process indexes for doing searches, unfortunately on other editions you can’t make searches using process variables. I suggest you to use Business Data Variables and store there filter data for searching purposes.


Hi Steve,

Thank you for your reply. But I want to search a case with the help of a process variable value. So I don’t have caseId with me.