I’m trying to obtain the list of cases supervised by a user but i can’t find any call who return this data via REST API.
In the JAVA API the method who return this data is this one (I guess): searchProcessInstances
Setting STARTED_BY_SUBSTITUTE in the ProcessInstanceSearchDescriptor
But i cant find the equivalent one in REST API.
I start the cases with this POST call: http://localhost:8081/bonita/API/bpm/case/
with this at Body:
{“processDefinitionId”: 5213939460169391901, “startedBySubstitute”: 12}
I can see that the field startedBySubstitute is setted correctly but i don’t know who to retrieve this cases. (I can retrieve all the cases for this process and filter programmatically but that was dirty…).
I’m using get calls to try to retrieve the information, I just use the post to start the case.
For example i use this GET call to retrieve the cases started by a user:
In subscription edition (efficiency and performance), administrator and process manager have the posiibility to start a process instead of the default intended user.
This feature is not present in community edition.
So if you use community edition, you can’t do this call.
Hope it helps
I’m using the community edition and I can also start cases in substitution of another user (using JAVA API or REST API) and using the JAVA API I can check this processes performing a search.
So I think that this feature is available from the community edition via API.
And like I said, I can retrieve all the processes and make the filter programmatically. I just want to optimize the calls.
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.