Serch in Portal


How can I search a task in Bonita Portal Community whit part of task name. Ex.: 

My Tasks:

1- Buy Sample 'ABC'

2 -Buy Sample 'XYZ'

3- Sell Sample 'ABC'

4- Sell Sample 'XYZ'

On search panel I need to search for 'XYZ', for example. 

For search results I expect:

2- Buy Sample 'XYZ'

4- Sell Sample 'XYZ'



In the Portal of v6, at the moment, it is not possible to search characters in the middle. (like * keyword *)

You can only search form the beginning. (like keyword *)

The problem is that even from the beginning it doesn't work after the second word.

Ex.: If I have the activities "Record the file", "Record the report" and "Record fisical versions" when I search I get the following:

Case 1: One word.

Searching: "Record.." (1, 2... or all caracters)

Result: All three activities.

Case 2: Two words.

Searching: "Record the..." (1, 2... or all caracters)

Result: The first end second activities.

Case 3: Three words.

Searching: "Record the song..." (1, 2... or all caracters)

Result: Keep bringing the first end second activities.

That means that search option just work on the first and second words that compose an activities name.

I do have the same issue with community edition. The search function dont work as expected.

Please note that with the 6.3 version (coming soon) the search will use all words, and not only the beginning of the string.