service activation failure

I have uploaded a new BDM to the portal, using the bonita 7.11 docker image.

the upload it self was successful and the database tables have been created, but when i try to activate the service, nothing happens, the activation window stays open.

When i check the browser network activity on button click, i find this error :

{exception: "class org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.exception.api.APIException",…}

  1. api: "..."
  2. cause: {exception: "class org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.UpdateException",…}
    1. exception: "class org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.UpdateException"
    2. message: "USERNAME=install | org.bonitasoft.engine.commons.exceptions.SLifecycleException: Unable to RESUME a service. All services are STOPPED again. Error: javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException"
  3. exception: "class org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.exception.api.APIException"
  4. message: "Error when resuming BPM services"
  5. resource: "..."

can anyone help me understand the reason behind this error, and why am i nor able to activate the services?

I solved it by clearing the "server/work/bonita-tx-object-store/ShadowNoFileLockStore/defaultStore/StateManager/BasicAction/TwoPhaseCoordinator/AtomicAction" repository from the tasks that were calling endlessly 

Do you have more logs to share ?