I am trying to change the default language of Bonita Portal. I have been following the bonita guide ( for 7.3 version) but no use and I can’t understand some things.
First of all, when it says: set a new property “org.bonitasoft.i18n.folder” in Windows file setEnv.bat, how can I define this property? It is the same with the Subscription version? So the property must be
CATALINA_OPTS=-Dorg.bonitasoft.i18n.folder=${CATALINA_HOME}/my_custom_i18n etc… or there is something else?
I don’t even know how to google it. My research had no results. That’s why i am asking for your help. I am waiting for your answers
Nobody knows what to do or what the issue is, so i can search it more?
Hi all,
To configure a new language in Bonita you need to create a new property in setenv.bat (windows) like this:
set org.bonitasoft.i18n.folder=“-Dorg.bonitasoft.i18n.folder=C:/BonitaStudioCommunity-7.6.0/workspace/tomcat/server/i18n”
Come on guys, it can’t be in whole community to be the first who report this issue… Give me a tip or something.