Simulation in Bonita 6.3.x: Is there a delivery-simulation example process and documentation for the latest version?

Hello everybody,

i am currently trying to familiarize with Bonita BPM 6.3.8. I am trying to simulate one of my processes and I was wondering if there was documentation and the delivery-simulation process for the latest version. If there is not, are there any major changes in simulation from the version 5.x to 6.x. which I have to consider? Is there any process simulation example for a 6.x version?

Kind regards,


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there has been no major changes in the simulation between versions 5 and 6. If you have an example from version 5, you should be able to use it in version 6, as well.
Hope this helps,

Is there a chance to get access to the old delivery-simulation example? I can’t find it online because it is from an old version.