size of a rich text area


when i drop a rich text area to a form ist always very small. I can't find out, how i can edit the height in this widget. With text area it's the same problem. The rich text area is useless if its so small, only on line ....


I think you just have to add this css rule

div.bonita_form_field div.bonita_rich_text{
    height: auto;

Hope this help was useful to you



Hi heinzschuh,

Have you tried to click on the black arrow that appear when you select the Rich Text Area ?

If they no appear on the right and left sides, you need to add new column with the green crosses at the top of the Form.


that doesent have a effect to the size. even wenn i put the size of the cell to 1000px, the rich text area is only one line high.....

did anyone ever use the rich text area. Its useless wenn i can't edit the size

Hello, it might be a bug. Could you please report an issue ?

We have fixed the issue in Bonita 6.3, but I don't know at the moment when it will be released. Is it working for you with the suggestion of Nicolas ?


The first thursday of the month, the fix will be available in the maintenance version 6.2.5 .
As ttoine said this bug fix will be also released at the same time of the release of the 6.3


Hello everyone,
I’m using 5.10 but I really don’t see any bonita_form_default.css in my war at C:\Program Files (x86)\BOS-5.10.1\studio\workspace\My Webap. I suppose it is bonita_forms.css.
I’d like to know, hwever, how can I change the size of the text area (not the label) to cover two rows of my form grid.
I tried via the studio but then the preview doesn’t seem to stretch the widget in two consecutive rows.

Thanks in advance

could you please create a new question, as this one was for v6 ?

Have u droped it correctly?

Its working fine with me and I'm using X2 to change the size.

thanks. what do you mean with "droped it correctly" ?

What is X2?

It must be very easy, so please help me with this.....

come on. Please help me.

thanks you. are modifying the css file in the Studio, or directly in platform file ? if so, could you please give the patch to the css file for the forms ?

In production, it depends of the version of Bonita:

  1. before  6.1.2 you have to unzip the war and modify bonita_forms_default.css
  2. after the 6.1.2 you can edit the file bonita\client\tenants\[YOURTENANT]\work\theme\portal\css\bonita_forms_default.css

In the studio:



thanks. I think its the right way. But it may not be the right path. I edit the css and nothing happend. But I edit other things and nothing happend to.....

did you do a full refresh? ctrl+shift+r ? or did you flush the cache of you browser, so a fresh css file would be downloaded ?

I edit the css in Bonitastudio by clicking the Pool. Than Application -> Resources -> Folder CSS -> bonita_forms_default.css

now it works on the server. Not in the Application but thats ok....

Thanks a lot.

the brutal way is to find all the bonita_form_default.css in your in file system. Then search into those files this following css rule textarea.bonita_form_field, div.bonita_form_field div.bonita_rich_text

then insert this css block after the css properties block to override those rules

div.bonita_form_field div.bonita_rich_text{
    height: auto;

An issue was opened. It will be resolved as soon as possible.

