skip or remove confirmation messages

Hi there, 

Is it possible to skip the confirmation message that appears when moving from form to form.  the message says "The information has been submitted." ,it causes unnecessary clutter in my workflow



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Hi Simon,
The last time I've something about this subject, not having this message was not an option in BOS6.x (it was in BOS 5.x). Here is the best workaround I know, for the time being.


1- Download this file (Original code by Philippe OZIL at Bonitasoft, GPL v2.):


2- In your studio, Select the swimlane
then Application tab -> Confirmation -> Browse
then pick the file.
You may want to customize the variables:

                var nextTaskCheckRetries = 20;
                var nextTaskCheckDelay = 50;

After 6.0 was released, the very first comment about this subject from Bonita was something like: "to make the engine more performant, task are now asynchonous. The 'syncronous' option (no confirmation message) from BOS5.x has been removed.".


Sometime later, another comment said this 'change' may be reviewed. Since then, I haven't read any news.



PS: By the way, you may have got a solution sooner by searching in the forum.


I think this post will help you:

You can edit the template of the confirmation page, and add some javascript to detect when the link is available. It will then load the next form. If javascript is not available, then, the link stay visible as a fallback. The template is available in the Community GitHub repository here:

All you have to do is to customize the confirmation message with a simple "Please Wait". This is explained in the same discussion, please read it from the beginning.

By the way, I just would like to remember that if you need many forms for the same step of your process, you can: just add a new form in the pageflow, and use "previous"/"next" buttons.

Tell me if it helps