Starting Process On Portal

I made some process in studio and it works perfectly when I run it from studio.
Now, I imported the process on my server, when I start the process it says : “Error while starting the case”.
In log file the error is following
org.restlet.Component.BonitaRestletApplication Error while validating expected inputs
Expected input [someInput] is missing
Can you help me with this ?
Thanks in advance


This is maybe related to an user authorization configuration issue. Are you using process variables in your example?

By default only users with administrator profile are allowed to access process variables. You can change such behavior by customizing Here is more info on how to manage REST API authorizations .


The problem occured when I used new Bonita Studio 7.9.1. Now I use 7.8.4 and it works well

Can you confirm that you can:

  1. Run your process successfully from Bonita Studio 7.8.4?
  2. Run your process successfully from on a Bonita Server 7.8.4?

But that it failed when running from Bonita Studio 7.9.1?

If yes, can you export from Bonita Studio your project as a .bos file and share it with us (using Google Drive, Dropbox…)?