table widget

How to manage or example on how to use the "table" widget dinamically with a list of values.

I´m using BOS 6.1.2

Thanks in advance.

i have this problem.
I am adding items in my list (variable used in data of the table) dynamically by contingency event. But the variable don’t percist the values. At the second event, the first item is lost.


Initially the table is without items. The user will include the items in the table through a Selectbox (dynamically). Need to display at runtime the items included in the table. In the end, the User will submit the form.

I don’t understand your problem.
You have an empty table and you want to add data in this table in your form ?
If this is what you want to do, you need a variable of type java.util.List. And in the Data tab of your widget, you need to set the output with “YourList takes value of YourTableWidget”.

I still do not understand what you want to do.
I don’t think you can add item in a table with a Selectbox dynamically.

If you want to add items in your table, you need to create a first form that add your item in a List. And in a second form, you display your list in a table.