I am using the community edition and want to change the starting order DESC on the update date. Anybody know how this can be done?
Thanks. Actually the out-of-the box portal gives the ability to sort on Task name only.
Anyway, if you really need to add sorting capabilities, you can export it, customize it and and integrate it in a living application. .
Note : Be aware that if you want to customize your task list and reimport it in Bonita Portal, it won’t work with user profile. It can only be used with custom Profiles which are available in Enterprise Edition.
Hi, can you be a bit more precise?
Which version of Bonita are you using?
Are you talking about out-of-the box Bonita Portal ?
The behaviour of native Bonita task list changed starting 7.3. Thanks
It is 7.8.2 and is the out of the box portal. Thanks