Troubleshoot API message (not) matching

I have a process that is working fine.

It contains a Node that I know is running (sending an email) followed by an int. message "catch event".

I created a second process that is throwing the expected message and things work all fine. My message expects a correlation with 3 keys: 2 strings and an integer.

I am now trying to use the API and throw the same message using the REST API. My request runs fine and I do receive a status 204. I know that my POST request is received as I see new entries in the engine logs every time I send a message.

However, this entry in the logs is clear: "Found 0 potential message/event couples".

I have checked my correlations keys over and over and I think everything is fine. How could I troubleshoot this issue?
Can I get the logs to SHOW me the received messages so I can check the diff between receiving messages from the other process vs my POST ?


Issue found with some luck.... The issue was the processName.

My Process is called "Foobar " and I provided "processName": "Foobar"....

Did you see it ? The name of my process contained a trailing space.... I wish I could have seen in the logs what matches and what not since many things can go wrong:

- process name
- message name
- node name
- correlation key1
- correlation key2
- correlation key3
- correlation key4
- correlation key5

The lack of logs makes it super hard to debug because everything in the studio and the portal just does NOT show you those trailing spaces. So it boils down to see the difference between "Foobar" and "Foobar" ...