Trying to get a database content to display in a drop down list Bonita 6.1.2


I’m using Bonita community 6.1.2 on windows 7 OS, Java version 1.7, mysql database from XAMPPv3.1.0

I have connected to mysql database and would like to display my database content in a dropdown list.

I’m trying to fallow the “Set fields values from a database” from this link and on step 2. “Click the Connector icon next to the field for the available values.” There is no such connector icon next to the field for available values on my data pane. Is there any previous step that is needed to be done in order to get this icon?

Please any idvice?

All I want is to get my database content to display in my dropdown list




Yes, this feature is available only in Subscription Pack. That's why you don't see it in your Community version.

You can eventually add a connector on task level (at start) to get your database content. But if the database content changed between the task initiation and the moment when user see the form, it will not be updated. Moreover, you will not be able to add dependencies in your form.


Hello, I will see with our doc team if there is an issue with the page.

Hi Elodie,

Thanks for the info. I wouldn't mind just getting the content to display for now even if it will not be updated after the change between the task initiation.

Is there another way/steps to get my database content to display in the dropdown field in community 6.1.2 version?

If you could please advice a link with video or written info regarding this would really be great.

