UI Designer opens the empty page

Hi All,

I installed the community version:

Bonita Community Edition
Version : 2023.2
Version id : u0
Build id : 9.0.0
Copyright © Bonitasoft S.A., 2009-2023
All rights reserved.

I followed the getting started tutorial to load the sample project.

I open the form to edit but the browser show empty page instead of the form.

Could you help.



Duc Nguyen.

Hi guys,

Can any one support. I installed Bonita in my Ubuntu version 22.04.


I have found the problem and have the solution.

1- Open the Preference Dialog

2- Select the browser of the system (Do not uese the default browser option), in my Ubuntu, the browser in the list is Firefox

3- Select the Firefox brower and click on the button edit

4- Type "-url %URL%"

5- Close the Preference dialog

6- Click on the button UI Designer in the toolbar. The browser will open the UI Designer.

