Unable to find the process definition deployment info


I have created a process with a single form and having DB connector in it. I am getting the following error

Error: { “exception”: “class org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.process.ProcessDefinitionNotFoundException”, “message”: “USERNAME=walter.bates | PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID=20014 | Unable to find the process definition deployment info.” }


In the second use case report in comments, issue is actually due to the fact that submit button in “showAvailableBooks” (“Step1” form) is actually configure to start a process instead of submitting a task.

Button should only configured to start a process if they are part of an instantiation form.

Hi Neha,

Can you please share your process so I can reproduce the issue?



Hi Antoine,

My process is: Start → Step 1 (human task form + Db connector) → End. In designer I have the following variables.

“name” : “”,
“haveRead” : false



return {
‘name’: $data.formInput.name,
‘haveRead’: $data.formInput.haveRead


When did you get the error? When submitting the instantiation form or when submitting the task form?

Also if you can share your .bos file that can help to reproduce the issue (and maybe aslo full Engine log file)

I do not have a instantiation form. I am getting error while submitting the task form. Let me know how can I send the .bos file here? Should I email you or is there anyway we can attach here?

You can use any file hosting service such as Google Drive or Dropbox to share your bos file. Just post the link to the file in a comment here.


Hello, got the same problem (Bonita 7.4.3):
“exception”: “class org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.process.ProcessDefinitionNotFoundException”, “message”: “USERNAME=walter.bates | PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID=40005 | Unable to find the process definition deployment info.”

I have a process with an instantitation form + one user task / form. In the user task, the list of data elements from a business object is displayed. I want to just “close and go back to the portal”.
While closing, this error produces.

If you fixed it - pease, shere the solution!


Can you clarify what you mean by “While closing, this error produces”?

Also if you can share your process by exporting the workspace content as a .bos file that can help.

Maybe a short video / screencast can also help to explain the scenario to reproduce the issue.


Hi, “while closing” means that the form has only one table that shows the content of a business variable and one button “finish” that is supposed to “submit task” by closing the form and to bring me back to the portal. Pressing this button, i catch this error. The process does not return to the portal either. (Though, it displays the table correctly)

I will share the .bos later in the day. Thank you!

here come the .bos files. I have 2 processes: one to init the library and one to read the content.
The second one (loan book) generates the error. Thanks for any help!

works! Thank you!

Nice catch.
I had this same oversight because I created the task form by copying the initialization form.