Unable to see bonita form if non admin user - Docker error 403

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to use bonita-docker images. But i have some problem to see forms with a non admin user.

For example:
april.sanchez = user,admin

When april or hellen need to see a form, they can. But when walter need… i got a 403 error.

I already try to add ‘REST_API_DYN_AUTH_CHECKS=false’ in my docker env. But it doesn’t work.

If someone have an idea to resolve that error, i’m taking.

Im also experiencing this. Also runs docker bonita image. Setting the profile to user will not run the process and will give a 403 error. But when you switch to admin, everything is working out fine. 

To solve this, a security file must be configured using the setup tool.

1º Go into the  container through a terminal

docker exec -it container_name bash

2º  Once inside go to /opt/bonita/BonitaCommunity-7.11.2/setup  (adapt to  your version number)

3º  Execute ./setup.sh pull, this creates or updates the folder /opt/bonita/BonitaCommunity-7.11.2/setup/platform_conf/current that contains all the configuration.

4º Edit the following file /opt/bonita/BonitaCommunity-7.11.2/setup/platform_conf/current/tenants/1/tenant_portal/security-config.properties and set the property security.rest.api.authorizations.check.enabled false ( defaults is true)

5º Go back to the /opt/bonita/BonitaCommunity-7.11.2/setup folder and execute ./setup.sh push to upload the changes

6º Restart the container in order to commit the changes.

Bonjour Bastien,

Have you tried to test it in your local environment?
I will reproduce it on my side but I assume it might not be related to your Docker environment but rather to your profiles definition vs actor mapping.

Hello, yes, it’s working perfectly on my local environment.
I have export my organisation in my docker, and still the same.

Hi, I have the same issue,  rest api is not working if I use Dockers and User profile.   With Tomcat bundle it's ok.

In order to understand what's going on, we will need more information; can both of you tell me which REST API you are using, what steps you have performed to deploy with Docker? Are you both using Community Edition Docker image? Have you logs to share?