Unresolved dependency for the filename variable expression of

Hi ,

i have created a string variable, inside it i have implemented a groovy code like this:

import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.document.Document;
 apiAccessor.getProcessAPI().getLastDocument(processInstanceId, "attachedDoc").getContentFileName();

This code permit to get the filename of attached, but when i try to run the workflow, it shown me this warning:

Unresolved dependency for the filename variable expression of

What does it mean?


I don’t get the error in my case. How did you define the String variable? Is it a pool variable or a task variable?


thanks for your reply,

I have difined the variable as string type, and inside it i have implemented the above code. I have created the variable into pool and seeing that the problem persist , i have had to move it to humantask, but now the error does not shown but i don’t retrieve the filename inside the filename variable.

what is hapening??