update and modify live processes


We have leave application process and created  leave.bar file deployed.

After one week  we got a change request to add additional conditions. We have modified and deployed a new version of the leave bar file.

Now the leave data is existing v1 as well v2 .

Is there way to move data from v1 to v2 of leave?

How to update and modify live processes?




I'd like to know, as well.

Hello, could you please give us some details about Bonita version, what kind of data you want to move (bonita data, business data, other) etc ?

We are using Bonita 6.0 and Postgresql 6.0

you don’t really answer

I guess he means the data at the postgre that came from the V1.bar file. He updated the same .bar file to a v2 and want the data that was at v1 to be avaiable at v2.

the v1 data should still be available in the database...