update value in editable grid and save to db


I populated editable grid with backend data. But when I change/update any value, I am not able to get changed values when I edit the grid.

can anybody help?


Thanks buddy,
My problem is resolved

Hi manoj_ you can share your code with me, my mail is rojaco007@gmail.com.

I need create a grid editable with bonita 7 . thanks for your help.

I think your question needs to be clearer. And you don’t say if you are using Community or SP I will asssume Community as SP has Business Data Objects which would be easier to work with allowing inbuilt CRUD.

However I think what you are saying is:

  1. I populated editable grid with backend data.
  2. Then I change/update any value
  3. Then I go back to the screen and the data is the same there is no updated data.

If so then, I have to ask are you updating the database after the submit?

What you should have is…off the top of my head as I’ve not tested it…

  1. get the data and place in the editable grid
  2. change the data
  3. You have to set the output (a variable (a list of list)) of the table to get the data after update
  4. On the submit there is an action (groovy script) to take the output variable data (a list of list) and in here you should update the database, or you could use a follow on Database Connector

to get the lists of data from the list of lists you can use

String cellValue = ((List<List>)fieldInput.getValue()).get(2).get(1);

where the first get retrieves the third row (indexes start at 0), and the second retrieves the second cell.
from here

Hope that helps,

If you have the code for this you can share with me?
Thanks for you help