Use java object

Hi all,

I'm trying to set member of a Java Object like this


package pro.bonita;


public class OpSum implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7285183091396405846L;

private int a;

private int b;

    public int getA() {

        return a;


    public void setA(int a) {

        this.a = a;


    public int getB() {

        return b;


    public void setB(int b) {

        this.b = b;




in my simple test Process App.

I followed the steps described at

In BOS 5.6 works.

Now, I'm trying to do the same thing with BOS 6.1like in figure

Don't work because (Bonita BPM engine log)

at .Caused By:(data opSum does not exist in the context 7 ACTIVITY_INSTANCE

I understand that I have to instantiate it. But where and how?

Sorry for my bad english & thanks in advance.





You can instantiate the java object when you define the process variable (usually in the pool). Use a groovy script for the default value. In that script create and return a new object.

Thank you.

PS. This is a difference with the version 5.x or am I wrong?


I tried to do it but during evaluation I get error like  unable to resolve class or Unable to deserialize object <object-stream>

This is my script that set default value

import pro.bonita.*;
def opSum = new OpSum();
return opSum;


I’ve got the same issue, does anyone has a clue on where this might come from ?

I hope to help you


Thank you ! that’s it !