I'm new to Bonitasoft and needs my installation to use local Mysql server instead of default H2, Here is what I did so far:
- Downloaded the Bonita 2021.2 from here: https://www.bonitasoft.com/downloads and install it,
- I created two databases: bonita and business_data,
- I modified the file: BonitaStudioCommunity-2021.2-u0/workspace/tomcat/setup/database.properties to use those databases,
- I also modified the file: BonitaStudioCommunity-2021.2-u0/workspace/server_configuration/conf/Catalina/localhost/bonita.xml to use those databases,
- and run the studio and create a test BDM and deployed it but couldn't see the effect in the MySql databases!
Is there another place or settings I should modify to make this works?
Best regards,
I'm facing the following error i the log when starting the BonitaStudio and when trying to deploy a test BDM.
06-Dec-2021 14:26:20.911 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-8] org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.internal.JdbcEnvironmentImpl.sequenceInformationList Could not fetch the SequenceInformation from the database
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown table 'SEQUENCES' in information_schema at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:120)
What's wrong with my setup? Any help please!
For now, only the Bonita Tomcat bundle (that you use in production or equivalent) can be configured to point to a MySQL database.
The Bonita Studio (used to develop) can only use H2.
I hope this clarifies what is supported in which environment.