Validate a task by clicking on a hypertext link send by email

hello everyone

In a project I want the validator to receive a notification email and without accessing the bonita portal he can validate or reject the request by clicking on a link in the email
Thank you

Hi Nassim,

The use case you are describing is not available by default in Bonita as usually, the task requires a bunch of data to fulfill its contract and to be executed.

What most people do is to send by email the URL of the Bonita form that the user will have to fulfill to submit the task.

If you really want to build something different, I can only share some experimental work I did almost 2 years ago that could help you:

This class is translating a GET query with all the contract inputs sent as query parameters into an Execute Task command on the Bonita APIs on the server-side.

Again, this was an experimental job (but operational for the use case I had in mind at that time); I cannot be sure it would suits your need nor respect your security criteria. But feel free to use it as inspiration to build your own extension and implement your use case.

That would be an awesome contribution to the community though! Let me know if I can be of any assistance in building the same

Captain Bonita

thank you for your reply;
for decision makers I send the information of the request in the email and he does not need to enter the portal his task is to accept or reject the request