Validation error with Inclusive gateway in 6.3.7 community edition


Problem: Inclusive gateway shows validation error as “Exception All incoming transitions should come from the same gateway (explicit or implicit)” in the Bonita studio.

I have defined parallel gateway with two out going transitions say step3 and step4. The step3 will transit to Inclusive(AND) gateway where as step4 will transit to Exclusive gateway and then will have next transition as Inclusive(AND) gateway or back to step4 based on condition. Basically both step3 and step4 will transit to same inclusive gateway. When process is defined with such transitions, the Inclusive gateway shows above validation error.

Bonita version: 6.3.7
Java : 1.6
OS : Windows

Hari Alla

It’s a known issue (see this bug )

As far as I know it’s only a validation issue so you should be fine to run such process.

For the record same issue happen with such design on gateway 3:
Issue validation

Can you put a print screen of your diagram please? or draw it just to see the environnment.

Please find the process image below,

I am unable to find option to attach the image file here. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Use this website and provide the link:


Sorry but I do not see the sense of this modeling (from my point of view).

I do not know your application but:

  • the Gateway 3 can be replace by a loop until … in the task “step 3”? If I understand correctly the needs.
  • the inclusive Gateway “Gateway 2” is not good. Why at the begining you say that you must do task 2 and 3 in parallel and after merge them in an inclusive Gateway?


If you want I can help you tonight to work on it.

Please find the process image below,

The step3 can be represented with a loop and do the same result as you? Just to have the BPMN lightweight?

That’s right, in such simple scenario a lot can cover the need.
But if an extra step is required while looping back loop will not cover the need. Maybe loop + call activity might do the trick.

Hi Sylvain,
The diagram i shared is sample diagram modeled to represent the Gateway problem. As per actual process Step2, and Step3 belong to multiple lines. Please find the actual diagram below,

Heberger image

As per Antoine bug reference, it is not yet fixed in 6.3.7 version. In our case we have two steps required while looping, so loop will not solve our problem.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Hi Sylvain,
You are right. It supposed to be AND gateway not the inclusive gateway. Thanks for catching it. The process design is still in draft state and not yet been reviewed.

Why the inclusive Gateway is not a AND Gateway? You dont need the agreement of IT + Account to do “Update termination status”?

As per Antoine bug reference, it is not yet fixed in 6.3.7 version. So, closing the question for now.