Web API Example - Pass data to an application

I have been looking through the documentation and I can’t seem to figure this out.

I have an application in BonitaSoft 6.3. Is there an example of how to pass values to an application?

Any links to a specific example would be greatly appreciated.

when you need to integrate with Bonita BPM with other technology than Java, you can use REST API. Here is an overview of the approach and more details here about how to use it. In the Examples section, you will find an example showing how to update activity variables and execute a task .
Hope this helps,

Just to make sure we understand your need and are able to answer properly - can you give us more details, please:

  • You want to pass some values from Bonita to an external application? Or the other way around?
  • Where and how does it happen (in a Bonita form, when a user clicks on something, when a connector is finished…)?

From an application to Bonita. I would like to use the REST API to send data from a web application via a web service to Bonita.

I have seen this before. I am confused as to how this relates to activity variables and a task.

The url to the application I want to pass values to is


I guess I created a process instantiation form. Can you use Web API to pass data to it from an external application?