What data is written to the flownode_instance table and how often ?

We are using the community edition V7.1 and after launching 5 weeks ago have seen the flownode_instance table grow > 30GB, the record id appears to be > 139,000,000. There were approx. 1,700 active cases. This resulted in a major slow down in response times which effectively made the system unusable.

Can anyone tell me or point me to relevant documentation to answer the following questions:
what data is written to the flownode_instance table ?
how often is data written to the flownode_instance table ?
what within the workflow is likely to be causing a high volume of records withing the flownode_instance table ?
tips on how to control/manage this volume

You might want to check not only active cases, but also completed cases.

Flownodes are ALL nodes in an execution, HumanTasks, ServiceTasks etc. see here for further details:


So imagine a simple process with 10 steps with no branches etc. just straight through.

10 people start a case each…

10 cases * 10 steps = 100 flownode records in the database.

In you case 1,700 cases could generate minimum of 17,000 flownode records.

So what to do about it?

For every process you need to develop an archiving strategy, and then build a process to activate that strategy. You would enact this against the Archived processes NOT the current case load.

Bonita does not, unfortunately, come with any archiving mechanism preferring for you to develop your own, or create an idea and ask for an archiving module (which Bonitasoft will probably only supply to subscription users) so writing you own would be a good idea.

We’re developing a simple one that says export all case data that is > 3 months old and save it to disk. We execute it every night. This data then gets dumped out to Disk and off expensive storage.


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.