What is the equivalent of API/bpm/process in Bonita 6.4

In Bonita 6.3 you could get access to a list of available processes via the following.


How do I do this in 6.4 as the “process” api is no longer available in the bpm namespace?

Indeed, it seems that it was forgotten from the documentation for 6.4.
We are going to fix that
But it is still available (by the way, the parameters for the pagination are mandatory, so you should try /API/bpm/process?p=0&c=10&f=user_id=101 instead)

I just double checked, it is still in place, the url you shared with us works fine in 6.4.x. What makes you think the resource is no longer available?

When I tried it, it didn’t work and I had to downgrade to 6.3. Plus it is no longer part of the documentation. http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bpm-api so I assumed it was no longer supported.

OK, the pagination requirement must have been the difference then, this was not a requirement in 6.3.