Where are alls the BPMN 2.0 elements?

In the pallet I do not find the message flow, object data, and so…

Thank you for your support

You should know that while Bonitasoft supports the principles/rules/constraints of BPMN 2.0 it does not have all the symbols, nor does it need them.

BPMN is a NOTATION rather than a practical implementation of the standard, hence Bonitasoft only implements those things that allow us to BUILD BPM.

This is similar to many other tools that create tools for actual BPM rather than the theoretical design of BPM.

If you need to specifically design full BPMN 2.0 diagrams then I would suggest doing a Googl-web search for BPMN 2.0 Editor where you will find several that may meet your needs. However do not expect them all to deliver a working BPM process like Bonitasoft does.

regarding MESSAGE FLOW - these do exist - just use the Send and Catch Message symbols.

regarding OBJECT DATA - these are not there - and are really found in the DATA Tab of the Details pane, could this be implemented via BDM yes I think so but I think it would be a fair amount of work.

But like I say BPM building is not the theory of BPMN you may need a different tool based on your actual requirement, which you don’t say what it is…


PS: While you may not like the answer, it gives a possible solution, please mark as resolved.


Do not use CAPITALS LIKE THAT - this is bad netiquette.

It looks like you are shouting which, I hope was not your intent…


Dear Sean:

Thanks for the information and prompt reply …

As for my writing in capital letters … at no time did I want to offend …

And take your suggestions into account …

Thanks for your technical support …