Where could I find high-level concept tutorials


I’ve been digging through documentation and videos and I must say I am disappointed. There are so much technical details all over, but there are no hints how to start building some typical processes, for instance:

  • what would be the components and typical patterns needed to design a process started by customer upload (via automatic API or from a form with some basic data from the customer)?

  • how to handle cases when mutliple instances of data have to be handled in multiple sub-processes and how the main process should look like in order to wait for the results of all the subprocesses (typical example: customer sends one big order for certain delivery and the company clerk has to split the order into parts and delegate each part to separate actors or teams).

Every provider of BPM engines is able to flood me with tons of mostly trivial technical details, such as how to draw a BPMN diagram, how to define connector etc. but there is little or no guidance how to construct typical processes from beginning to the end.

Look at some of these examples and getting started tutorials which might help. The documentation and concept you are looking is not provided by bonita.


Thank you, that was what I was looking for! I don’t understand how could I miss this.