where to code java servlet and how to call it...


I want to populate form by reading db through java coding.
I have no idea where to write java servlet/code and call it in bonita process.
I am using bonita BPM community version 6.4.

can anybody help
Please suggest any help link or documentation



If you want to populate a form by reading your database you can :

  • Create a script task that call a database connector
  • Add data in your process that you initialize with the connector output
  • Populate your form with this data

You don’t need any java code. You just need SQL queries to read your database.

If you want to create your own connector to your database, you can read this :

To answer your question specifically, servlets…

The only way I’ve really found how to do this is

  1. Javascript on the client (through a HTML Widget on the page), which calls
  2. AJAX to call the JAVA Servlet,
  3. which is provisioned through a WAR file and stored on the server in tomcat/webapps

And while I have this need for a specific purpose ordinarily you shouldn’t need to do it as Yannick has already said, use a DB connector etc.
