Which Java version is required for Bonita Studio?

I am quoting from http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/?page=bonita-bpm-studio-preferences :

“Java The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) to used by default. JRE will be used when compiling and running Java code.”

Would it be possible to mention in the documentation which version of Java is required?

The same problem appears when installing Bonita 7.3.3 Community edition on a computer with the latest version of Java. There is warning message that the current Java version is not “the” version, but there is no mention what the required Java version actually is.

Would it be possible to provide more specific information both in the documentation and the installation dialog? I don’t like this kind of guessing.

If you read the actual Installation Documentation here:


You would see the appropriate levels of Java required. The Overview just states it will use the default which is installed. I would hope you have read the installation guide as well to determine what is actually required, as does the documentation…


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