This is the continue from this link:
I manage to find the require libraries.
My current code for calling Bonita's formUpload servlet is as below:
def uploadFile(String server, String path, String contentType, String fileName) { // File upload using pageUpload servlet to a temporary folder def uploadResponse"Create HTTPBuilder: " + server) HTTPBuilder http = new HTTPBuilder(server) http.request(POST, TEXT ) { multipartRequest -> // URL of page upload servlet (REST API extension is handle as a page) uri.path = "/API/formFileUpload" // We use multipart content type to upload the file requestContentType = "multipart/form-data""requestContentType: " + requestContentType) // Create a multipart entity builder for our local test file (the SQL data source REST API extension) MultipartEntityBuilder multiPartContent = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("file", new File(path)) def entity = // This code should work, but return casting exception multipartRequest.entity = entity // Handle successful response response.success = { resp, reader ->"Status code: " + resp.statusLine.statusCode) if (resp.statusLine.statusCode == 200) { // Store response information that include information about temporary storage of the file on server side"Response text: " + reader.text) uploadResponse = reader.text } } response.failure = { resp, reader ->"Upload unsuccessful") } } if(uploadResponse == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to upload the file") } else { return uploadResponse } }
The part "multipartRequest.entity = entity" keep throw casting error, but as I research, this code should work.
Cannot cast object 'org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartFormEntity@12446679' with class 'org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartFormEntity' to class 'org.apache.http.HttpEntity'
Can you guy help me.