How to store the process or the business variables into H2 database of bonita? And also how to retrieve those variables?



Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 14:20

Please try to keep the question title short an add details in the "question description" section.

Also I recommend you take a look to the getting started tutorial as a lot of question you are asking will find an answer there.

1 answer


Bonita BPM use two database schema:

  • One for Bonita BPM Engine to store information about processes deployed, processes execution going on, users...
  • One to store business data values. Those business data values can be used by various processes instances and web pages

By default Bonita BPM is configured to use h2 RDBMS for the two database schema. So you have nothing to do to use h2. Note that we don't recommend to use h2 for production. You should use another RDBMS such as PostgreSQL, Oracle...

For a process to access to an existing business data value you need to declare a business variable in the process definition and set the default value of this business variable using a "query" expression (similar to an SQL SELECT query).

If you want to display the business data value outside a process instance (e.g. in an application page) you need to use the BDM API (see documentation ).


Submitted by geetha.sfdc on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 15:26

Actually what i am trying to do is, creating a business variable called "x" in the BDM and wants to store the value into the default H2 database. And i want to show the stored value of "x" in the jasper reports. Will you please help me with this.

Submitted by Sean McP on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 15:38

You wouldn't store the BDM data in the Bonitasoft Database, this should be a Business orientated database. The reason is it's not Bonitasoft data but business data.

Think of the situation when you upgrade from 6.5 to 7.1 using the migrator. Bonitasoft databases will be migrated but NOT your data, you should build an external database so you can store your data and then when you migrate your data will be there. And be usable from Jaspersoft.
