Is it possible to generate the reports in bonita 7.0 using the external API and without the database? Will you please provide me the solution.



Submitted by antoine.mottier on Tue, 09/29/2015 - 11:13


If you want to build some reports based on process execution information (e.g. average time to perform a task, average duration of process instance...) you will need to rely on information stored in Bonita BPM Engine database. Such information are available using Bonita Engine API either using the Java client library or via REST API.

If your reporting solution can integrate with one of the solution mention above it should be possible to generate all kind of reports.

An alternative might be to replicate Engine database information so that your reporting solution does not put any direct load on the Engine database.

Also getting a little bit more detailed about the kind of reports you are trying to build might help to provide you a more accurate answer.

2 answers


What reports?


jasper reports in PDF format
