Where is the password?



I played at a moment with my organization, and I change the password of Walter.Bates.

Now, I give back the password to "bpm". When, from the studio, I click on the Portal button, I can access correctly the portal.

But when I click on a process the "run" button, I 'm back to the Login page.

Login the URL, I see the studio started


So, at one moment, the studio saved the password. When I change back to bpm, this process keeps saved somewhere the old password.

I accessed to "configure / authentication", I see correctly "walter.bates" but there is no password configured here.

Where it is? What is the procedure to set it back to bpm?

1 answer



I tried to reproduce this issue but I was not able to do so.

What I did:

  • In the studio > Organization > Define -> update walter.bates password
  • Both Run of my process and the portal button works
  • In the studio > Organization > Define -> update walter.bates password to the original one
  • Both Run of my process and the portal button works

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?


Submitted by Pierre-yves Monnet on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 19:23


Actually, I clone an existing repository for Github.

Then, I changed the password in organization> Define > update walter.bates password to the original one (bpm)

I can log on the portal using "bpm" password. Deployment is made with success.

Then, when I click on "run" on the process, it deploey the process again, but I see that the URL started by the studio contains a strange password (I assume this is the previous one). So, the password used is not the one saved in the organisation, but it take the information somewhere else.

I'll give you the Git repository in private message.
