#Bonita Studio

Retrieve logs


I had executed my Bonita solution several times in order to have collect a huge amount of data. I would like to do process mining and for that I need the logs being generated from my Bonita solution. Please how can I retrieve my logs?


Variable métier

J'ai schématisé mon diagramme de BPMN, déclaré mon business data model et j'ai déclaré ma variable métier. Ma question c'est comment savoir à quel niveau sur mon diagramme je dois affilier ma variable métier que j'ai déclaré?

With Deploy from Bonita Studio directly on the Production portal?

I don't want to have to be exporting and importing, how do I make Bonita Studio deploy directly to the Production Portal?

Where is the password?


I played at a moment with my organization, and I change the password of Walter.Bates.

Now, I give back the password to "bpm". When, from the studio, I click on the Portal button, I can access correctly the portal.

But when I click on a process the "run" button, I 'm back to the Login page.

Login the URL, I see the studio started

Clearing a db lock in Studio

In Studio (7.6.3) one of my processes threw and exception while it held a lock on the db. After that I was unable to deploy a new version of the process.

org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.DeletionException: USERNAME=install | org.bonitasoft.engine.lock.SLockException: Unable to acquire the lock after 60 SECONDS for PROCESS:1,361, Details: The lock on PROCESS_1361_1 is locked, held by thread Bonita-Worker-1-01 with id 46

search by LastName

I want to do search by LastName using filter in rest api but don't work I have Rest Api like this one :
../API/bdm/businessData/com.company.model.DemandesConges q=findByLastName&p=0&c=100&f=LastName=={{searchValueNom}}

this my requete :SELECT d FROM DemandesConges d
WHERE d.LastName= :LastName
ORDER BY d.persistenceId

Is it possible to create a list of information in JSON format in UI Designer?

I am displaying data that is brought into the database in some Dropdowns, as if it were some sort of shopping cart page from E-Commerce sites, at the moment my page looks like this:

update daysAvailableCounter vacation Request

Hello everybody
anyone can help me pleeease , in leave request when I do the first one a leave request the currentbalance(daysAvailable) updated but the second one back to the daysAvailableInitial
For exemple daysInitialValue = 60
new request( NbreDays=5 ) --> daysAvailableCounter:60-5=55
second request (NbreDays = 3)--> daysAvailableCounter 60-3=57 shoud be do daysAvailableCounter 55-3= 52
thanks in advance
this is my process.bos

daysAvailable in leave request

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

leave request bonita BPM 7

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error
