#Bonita Studio

demande congé

bonjour , je suis débutant Bonita BPM 7,
j'ai fait un processus de demande de congé , j'ai fait deux modèle de données métier DemandesConges(dateDebut,dateFin,dateRetours,NombreJours,TypeConge,solde,MotifConge)et DossierAdministratif(firstName,lastName,Email..) , maintenant je veut savoir comment je peut calculer solde de congé de tel sorte que chaque fois qu'un employé fait une demande de congé , le solde de congé soustrait le nombre de jours .

j'ai fait un script du variable de pool mais plein d'erreur

Add new Menu to Bonita Studio

Dear All,

I have analysed the source code of Bonita Studio and I'm sure that the studio has created based on SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit). Unfortunately, I have no experience on using SWT. I want to Add a new menu or a Coolbar to Bonita Studio community version. My question is How can do it? if someone has experience with it, please guide me.

Thanks in Advance

When does HiDPI support come for Bonita BPM Studio?

It's horrible to work with Bonita BPM Studio on a HiDPI display because the underlying eclipse is not supporting it. I work with a team with normal DPI displays on a shared repository, so we always have to adjust the size of the elements or stay with overlapping elements and text.

Bundle necessary for server

I would like to know if all the bundles (tomcat, wildfly, deploy) are required and have to be install, in order to set up a Bonita BPM Server.
Looking at the documentation to set up a server but, unless I missed it, they don't say if all the bundles are required.

Futur application of the server : (If they require bundle then tell me)
This server will lately be used by other people
I will use LDAP for the authentification
I will have 3 users groupe, user, manager, admin
I will use report and save the stats in a DB

Add something to welcome page in Bonita Studio

Dear All
I want to add something like a button or a box like Design box or resource box in the welcome page in Bonita Studio community 7.3. According to open source licence, is it possible or not?
if the answer was yes, how can I do it?
In another word, I want to suggest some well-designed diagrams to a user who wants to use a bonita studio for the first time. I think, it may be very useful for the new designer that wants to learn BPMN. in order to help an amateur designer, how can I show my previous designs to others. any help is acceptable.

Thanks a lot.
