6.4.2 form

automatic choice of the next forms using a select box

hi, i'm a beginner on bonitasoft and i'm using Bonita Bpm community 6.4.2 for the first step i've created a form which contain a select list according to it the next process will choose one of the available forms Many thanks bye

Save data from a form - Bonita BPM 6.4.2

Hi everyone. I've two questions and I hope you can help me.

Question number 1:

I have a form with a lot of fields and my aim is to trasfert them into a Word file. What should I do ? Maybe I need a connector, but I really don't know how to do it.

Question number 2:

I have a form with some fields and one of them is a datagridview,so when the user is filling the form he can choose to add some rows.

How can I manage the elements of the datagridview ? How can I save the datagridview's input after the user compiles it ?
