Alfresco Connector

BOS 6.2 Alfresco 4.2 Connector Failure


I am running BOS 6.2 on a Windows 8/Java 7 test machine. I also run Alfresco 4.2 locally. Using the Alfresco42UploadFileByPath with the following parameters: Host: localhost, Port: 8090, Username: admin

Mime Type: application/pdf

Destination Folder: /User%20Homes/

I get this error in the logs:

Mar 13, 2014 6:57:48 AM org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl log

Alfresco connector and incompatible type com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory

After adding a connector Alfresco, the following exception occurs.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

