
filter api url with condition

how can I get from api files contains "rfs" only using this url


for example, I have 10 files, 3 of them are "rfs_1", "rfs_2" and "rfs_3". I need to get these files only.


API: One-shot get

Is it possible to, for example, instead of call "processAPI.getAssignedHumanTaskInstances" and then "processAPI.getActivityDataInstances" for each returned instance to have the instances response already filled with it's data?

Each of this calls make an HTTP request and I think it may add an unneeded overload sometimes.

Thanks in advance

Authentication in Bonita API not working


I can't authenticate a user using the Bonita API. Instead of receiving cookies with the user session ID and API token, I receive a response with no cookies and a HTML page that keeps loading forever.

I ensure that the user exists and the credentials are correct.

I'd appreciate any assistance on how to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance,

Raphael Müller

View document content by URL

I realized that when searching for the context of a document through API, a URL is returned that downloads the document attached in the process.

How can I make the user first open the document (.pdf for example) and after reading its content decide whether or not to download it? With this, I want to prevent the user from downloading the document whenever he needs to check some information in its content

API: retrieve name of a gateway default transition


I have designed a workflow with an exclusive gateway with one conditional transition and the mandatory default one. In the designer the 'name' attribute is populated.

When I retrieve the transitions from the API, for the conditional transition, the name defined in the designer is the condition name (gateway.transition.condition.name). But for the default transition, no condition is defined so I cannot figure out how to retrieve the name defined in the designer.

Is there a way to retrieve the name of the default transition ?

Thanks in advance

How to visualize only the last 10 orders in a case overview page using a Custom Query and APIs?

Hello everybody,

It may be a simple question but no matter how hard I try, I can't find a solution.

Here is the context:
Similar to the "Travel Request" tutorial, I have a case overview page but with one Table widget that allows me to see the status of my order (pending, rejected or approved). For instance:

------- ----------
Cust. | Status
------- ----------
1 | approved
------- ----------
2 | rejected
------- ----------
3 | pending
------- ----------

Does there exist a way to make 'Connector In' and 'Connector Out' fields have a compulsory script for every task?

I want my workflow designer to always use 'Connector In' and 'Connector Out' scripts at every station to check the inputs and outputs at the station. Is there a way to make a validation that checks this and prompts them accordingly?
If not, can I make an API call to the bpm so as to automatically make a boilerplate connector in and out groovy script whenever a new task is created?


Delay to load API response

API 1: sessionUser (../API/system/session/unusedid)
API 2: humanTask (../API/bpm/humanTask?c=-1&p=0&f=user_id={{sessionUser.user_id}})

In my application page I use a task filter for each user of the session, displaying the result in a table.

I noticed that when I run the config API calls described above, the task API response time is high (2-3 seconds). Being that, I tested it on an application that only performs this.

How can I make this type of filter to perform better with a faster return?

BDM Unique Constraint for Active Processes only


I have a process in which each process instance has a BDM object associated with it. If a process has started with a BDM object, I want to prevent users from being able to start another process using the same object as the existing process. If I use a unique constraint on the ID field of my BDM object, users are prevented from ever being able to start a process using an object that was used in the past, which is not what I want. I only want to ensure that a process cannot be started using an object that is being used in an active process.

Problem in request HTTPmethod

I use the HTTP request method to change and update the assigned_id variable of a task, as demonstrated below:

var request = $http({
method: "put",
url: "../API/bpm/humanTask/"+ $scope.properties.taskId,
data: {
"assigned_id" :$scope.properties.userId
