#bdm database

Crear un BDM

Estoy creando un nuevo proceso y cuando intento enlazar el proceso con un Modelo de Negocio no me aparece ninguno, lo creo , le doy a finalizar y nunca aparece. Tengo que configurar algo especial para crear el Modelo de Negocio?

Mucahs Gracias.

why do I have Unique index or primary key violation error?


When I run my process in Bonita Studio, Sometimes I have Unique index or primary key violation error. The time of this error is where I want to save an new row in BDM.
with reset engine and run it again, it doesn't work. To fix this error I have to edit PERSISTENCEID of last row in my table !!!
Do you have any idea that what's the reason of the error??

How to write dynamic query in bonita studio bdm?

I have five filter fields in my application home page (dashboard -> where I am showing all the records from h2 DB) now I want to filter the records on these fields basis.
It may require 31 (2^5 -1) queries, some are already provided as default queries.

Isn't there a way to write a dynamic query in "custom queries" or somewhere to get the desired result at UI?

Cómo definir tamaño variable a un campo tipo TEXT de un BDM en Postgresql?

Estoy usando Bonita v.7.5 con una base de datos Postgresql v.10 en la cual tengo campos definidos tipo TEXT. Revisando el archivo XML de la BDM en los campos TEXT se crea un tamaño por defecto de 255 bytes. Por el momento cambio el valor a 1024 o un tamaño mayor. Pero quisiera saber si hay alguna forma de definirlo para que sea variable, hay un atributo a agregar?

Gracias de antemano y saludos.

access to dbm from a java class filter


Anybody know how can i access to the bdm database from a java class actor filter???

i know that database is a h2, and i need to access throw a jdbc but i haven't found how to make this.

please help.
