
Database Configuration for Postgresql

I have checked the documentation related to Database Configuration.of Bonita. For Oracle, MSSQL and Mysql, there are available examples but none for Postgresql. Does anyone have a good step by step example switching or using Postgresql?

Shutdown Bonita & Postgres every day.

Good Morning.

Every day the connection between BonitaSoft and Postgresql 14 stops working. We have to restart the whole environment to get the connection back.

Esotu using BonitaSoft Community 2021.1 with PostgreSQL 14.4 (Ubuntu 14.4-1.pgdg20.04+1).

I updated the POstgres driver to postgresql-42.4.0.jar

I kept the default settings requested by the documentation regarding max_prepared_transactions and max_connections. I kept both at 200.

My Bonita environment is installed in .zip format and I just uploaded a default organization acme.xml (for testing).

How can I deploy the BDM on the server 2022.1

I am using Bonitasoft 2022.1. I try to deploy bdm on the server with Rest API or website, but I always get this error:

'An error occurred when deploying the BDM. Consult the logs for more information.'

In a strange way I found those Tables in my postgreSQL, so I am sure it has added, but I can't use that with my process.

Postgres Large Objects

We have several fields in the DBM with type TEXT. The engine previously converted these to large objects (lo) in PostgreSQL. We just upgrading to 2021.2u0 and we are seeing new data stored in the field with plain text and not creating large objects. Did the usage of Postgres LO get depreciated?

bonita.xml PostgreSQL example introuvable

Bonjour la communauté,

Je suis actuellement en train de configurer une architecture Bonita Communauty 2021.1 (ubuntu-openjdk-tomcat-postgresql) avec cette documentation :


Error while running query: operator does not exist: character varying ~~ bytea


I've been using Bonita for two years and developed some processes and reports well.

Almost all reports use custom query, some of them call query by rest API and others call them direct.

For example:

../API/extension/myreport?p={{pageNumber - 1}}&c={{numberOfItems}}{{params}}


../API/bdm/businessData/org.iut.model.table?q=findReq&p={{pageNumber - 1}}&c={{pageSize}}{{params2}}

Error while executing POST request with postgres DB on docker


I am trying to connect my bonita platform (desktop version) to a postgres DB mointed on docker.

My Bonita project was deploying and running smoothly when i was on an H2 DB. But when I modified the configuration to connect it to a postgres DB and deployed the my BDM, I got the following error :

ERROR: org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper Bad value for type long


First of all I am new into Bonita so sorry for any mistakes in describing a problem.
I have a project using Bonita with postgres. I created a table that contained several columns - some was string (character varying 255), some was text. After few days it happened that one string column must been extended to text size. When I changed my bom.xml file and deployed it Bonita does not altered a table so I made it manually. Now there is no problem with inserting any value, but when reading data I have an exception:

Custom Query with LIKE operator works well on studio but not when deployed

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble with a custom query with LIKE operator when I deploy the BDM to portal. Here the details.

To connect to the Database, we need to go to the database access information screen

Where i can find this database access screen? . I am unable to find it and you have also methioned about the checkinig of graphical query builder. Just let me know the methods to connect to database like postgres and mongodb or mysql.
