Bonita 7.10

Usar mis variables de proceso en UI Designer

He creado una variable de proceso, una lista de objetos java, para poder realizar un conector de entrada con mi base de datos sql server. Ahora quisiera mostrar en un select de mi formulario creado con UI Designer los valores, pero solo me permite dar como valores de salida las variables de negocio creada con mi modelo de datos, no las de proceso. ¿Como podría mostrar dichas variables de proceso en el select?

un saludo y muchas gracias de antemano :)

CORS problems


I have some error with my CORS configuration:
I already follow this link :
In my web.xml ( in my bonita.war) i have added:

org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter *

cors.allowed.methods GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

Apparently creating a custom query destroys both your project AND your studio application

Here I am, creating a custom query just like the one I've seen attached to the Quotation business object in one of Bonita Studio 7.10.0's many sample projects. My custom query is literally a copy&paste of the sample custom query, which does not generate any errors:
-Bonita Studio's custom findFromRequest query
-My custom findFromLesionado query

Is it possible to populate a same table with data from two External API variables?

Using API routes in the UI Designer, I have set up two variables containing the properties of two types of tasks: pending and completed. Each of the variables currently displays its contents in a separate table. Since both tables represent properties from the same kind of data, a task, they both have the same fields as column keys: caseId, displayName, state, assigned_date and priority.

Is it possible to populate a same table with data from two External API variables?

Using API routes in the UI Designer, I have set up two variables containing the properties of two types of tasks: pending and completed. Each of the variables currently displays its contents in a separate table. Since both tables represent properties from the same kind of data, a task, they both have the same fields as column keys: caseId, displayName, state, assigned_date and priority.
