Bonita Session Timeout

Pop-up to alert user's session is about to end.

Hello, our team received a request about the session timeout from our system's client.

Somehow we have to create a alert to the user notice that their session will end soon, maybe with a alert popup. Anyone did something like this or know something that could help us to achieve that?

Increase session time in Bonita studio works?


I modify the files mentioned in the documentation to increase the time in the Web.xml and bonita-tenant-community-cumstom sessions but my question is whether this works for the studio version or only for the server version?

I'm using Bonita 7.5.4... I want to know is there any way to increase the session timeout for more than an hour.

I want to control the session timeout...please help me out.

I tried some steps but it is not working out
1. I changed the session timeout value in this file :

unfortunately the session time is still 30 minutes.

