
Duplicate entry '1-79-ACTIVITY_INSTANCE-seEmitieronPasajes' for key 'tenantid'


We have installed BonitaBPMCommunity-6.2.3-Tomcat-6.0.37, in the startup we have the follow error:

I can not cancel or delete a timer event. HELP

I have a case running like in a loop and I can't stop or delete. I'm using bonita 5.9 jboss bundle. os Red hat, oracleXE 11g.
When I see the log I figured out this 3 errors happen when I try to delete or cancel the case:

Subscription package information

I'm interested to suscribe to Bonitasoft, what benefits may I have? how is licencing and how much cost it? may I import external documents like forms?

antoine.mottier's picture

Expense Report Process

This is an official Process example for Bonita 7.9.4 (or above)

Install this example process by importing the provided .bos file in your Bonita Studio.

Issues tracker

Issues tracker is available on GitHub.

How to call workflows created in bonita in web application?

Hi, I have to integrate the Bonita BPN workflows in the project which is using java and in UI, jquery and JSP. How can i call the bonita api on it?

How to call workflows created in bonita in web application?

Hi, I have to integrate the Bonita BPN workflows in the project which is using java and in UI, jquery and JSP. How can i call the bonita api on it?

Custom Logo


I'm tryinig Bonita 6.5.2 Community, and I'm trying to show a different logo in all pages possible (process, portal) instead the Bonita Logo. I've just read in the Bonita documentation that, this is not allowed in Community version, but I'm able to change some minor features like the mainColor (I've changed it to blue) in the skin.config.less file or similar. I've got to change the logo too in the portal page, however, if I execute a process, I see the page with Bonita logo, and with the mainColor as red.

Select Actors From A List Defined As A Variable for 6.5.1

I want to send task for selected user from combobox

How can I pass variables to the process using AngularJS and REST API?


I need help with Angular/Bonita interaction in my project. I have a task - create connection between external web forms and a process. I watched Bonita webinars about Angular. In the last one I saw a good tool for this task(Forms->Redirect to URL), but it's available only in subscription versions of Bonita. Now I'm trying to make the same thing in Community using AngularJS and REST like this:

Bonitasoft and Alfresco

Hello Everybody,

Has anyone installed community versions of Bonitasoft and Alfresco on the same ubuntu server running the same tomcat instance and db (postgresql in my case)? I'm in the middle of doing it myself. I got Bonitasoft going but when I implement Alfresco then it becomes tough. I have tried manual install of Alfresco as well as their installation wizard but I am running to issues. My purpose is to ultimate create proof-of-concept demos. I'm moving towards getting a different box for Alfresco in order to save time or use the Amazon Alfresco AMI.
