
Error importing library (.JAR) and using it in a script

We have imported a library (google-oauth-client-1.30.1) through Bonitasoft's library loading manager. The load looks good and is available, but when we are going to import it into a script and evaluate that import, the following exception appears:

(...) Groovy script throws an exception of type class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.

We tried placing the .JAR in the Bonita folders and in the workspace but the same exception followed. Reading we have found that it may be a problem with the ClassPath and class loader, but we do not know how to solve it to use this library.

Error al importar librería (.JAR) y utilizarla en un script

Hemos importado una librería (google-oauth-client-1.30.1) mediante el gestor de carga de librerías de Bonitasoft. La carga se ve bien y queda disponible, pero cuando vamos a importarla en un script y evaluar esa importación aparece la siguiente excepción:

(...) Groovy script throws an exception of type class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.

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