new versions

Does Bonitasoft version 5.7.1 Processes support The latest version of Bonitasoft is 7.2.1. ?

Hello Community,

I have built 4 process using 5.7.1 versions 2 years back, and would like to update My Bonitasoft version to current 7.2.1, I would like to know whether 7.2.1 supports 5.7.1 processes?

or Should I create all the 4 new process in the newer versions?

Bonita BPM 7 - user interface design tool

Hi there!

I just saw Bonita BPM 7 video on Vimeo:

Is it for real? The final User Interface Design Tool will be like that? I saw the guy writing object property names using his MEMORY. The utterly useful variables list combo box is GONE! Adding HTML PARAGRAPHS to see properties, really? Even with that CONTEXT thing it will be an horror seeking names inside a JSON string... Is this awful regression for real? What happened to that "less need of programmer skills for the end user" policy?


How to change securely an app attachment


I want to update the version of several documents that are embebbed on an app, In Bonita 5.x I did this with the Bonita UserXP but in Bonita 6 this option is no longer avaliable, there is a way using the API or something for doing this?. The only way what I can use now is compiling a new version of the app, but this is not desirable in a production environment.

Thanks in advance.
