How can I query 2 different tables and get the result in 2 different result sets using 1 connector


I want to know if it is possible to use only one connector in order to execute 2 or more different select querys and store the returned values in differents resultsets.

And also if it is possible how to do it


LLenar un widget select en el UIDesigner desde base de datos sql

Que tal estimados, estoy tratando de llenar un select dentro del UIDesigner mediante base de datos SQL, ¿alguien tiene idea de como hacerlo?, les comento que hice una business variable donde el valor default es una lista proveniente de la consulta del SQL, mas no se como relacionar esa variable dentro del UIDesigner y no se si sea la forma correcta de hacerlo, cualquier apoyo es bueno!

  • Estoy en la versión 7 de bonitasoft
  • Java versión 8.
  • Windows 7

Gracias y Saludos

When try to pass variable into query of database connector it gives error

hello ,

i m using on service task which give ti list of pant based on parameter of user's city i m using oracle 10 database connector .

Detail description ,

  1. perameter : NDS
  2. query : "Select title from plant_mst where unit_id=NDS"

this is perfactly run . but when i try dynamic query .

Select title from plant_mst where unit_id = " + city(variable- which store users city =NDS)

it gives error : Invelid Identifier . what i m doing wrong .

Here is server log :



I am having trouble avoiding sql injection through connectors. I happen to send as a parameter, a field in a form that is used by my clients as an input for comments and observations. They started inserting apostrophes characters ( ' ) which are the ones used in postgresql (my database) in functions.

So let's say i Call my function like Select approveRequest('$req_no', '$name', '$observations');

The variable observations is mapped to a text area input where my user inserted code like "PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 2LT 2x2' KETCHUP"

BOS 6.2 - How to fill a form from a DB record? (step-by-step, *please*)

[My environment: Bonita BPM 6.2 (Community Edition) / Windows XP / MySQL database]


I’m a beginner in the BPM/Java/Groovy world and, although I’ve been able to do things like insertions and updates to a MySQL database from Bonita using forms and connectors, I have yet to find a clear, step-by-step method to do a Select query based on a value entered in a form by a user and fill out the rest of the form with the results of the Select.
