#UI Designer

Separate the contents of an Array into a Table

I created an array in UI Designer via Javascript, but when I display my Array in a table, the content of the array is one line below the other, how can I break the contents of the sse array and separate it into columns?

I created the array this way:

Is there another way to bring data from BDM to UI Designer other than through a API REST?

I am using a REST API variable to bring BDM data and display it in the UI Designer, my question is if there is another way to bring the BDM contents to the UI Designer?

Variable API Rest for popular dropdown with BDM content

Following the example Expense Reports that is made available in the BonitaSoft Site I was able to create a kind of page to select items that come from the bank to create a request with that however I am not able to access the content of what was selected in the first dropdown for then popular the second Dropdown.

How to access data from a subarray by UI Designer?

How can I access data from a subarray in UI Designer? Following the example of expense reports that is available in Bonita Community, I was able to add the data to an array in the UI Designer and then bring them to the BonitaSoft studio, however I have a dropdown that should be filled according to item Selected in the first dropdown, according to the following image:

Is it possible to create a list of information in JSON format in UI Designer?

I am displaying data that is brought into the database in some Dropdowns, as if it were some sort of shopping cart page from E-Commerce sites, at the moment my page looks like this:

Modify widget values based on other widget - UI Designer


I need to make a page where it contains a custom widget.

How can I get a value from a selected value?

I have a select widget with values ​​[Lucas, Rafael]

If the value selected is "Lucas" in the text box next to it, the value will be "lucas@teste.com.br"

Thank you very much!

How to display an array in UI Designer?

My question is divided into two parts. Is it possible to display the contents of an array in the UI Designer, and the second part is how do I add rows to this array, and then every time I add rows to the array it appears updated in UI Designer? I'm new to BonitaSoft, if you have any tips on how I can do this. My idea was to display the array contents in a table, is that possible?

Help to create an item purchase page

I need help to develop a page to select different products in UI Designer, I can bring the products registered in the bank and display them in UI Designer:

Add to an array information that is displayed from the Bank in a Dropdown

I have a dropdown that displays the information that is saved in my BDM, are several products, what I need is to make a kind of page in the UI Designer as if it were a shopping cart so that the user can make an order with several products , Is it possible to do this, add in an array with all the selected products and their respective quantities? I've got in the Expense Reports example to add line through a button however the second line is already coming populated as the same content as above

Perform Select in UI Designer via API REST with a Process Variable

I need to select the data from my BDM according to the contents of a process variable, I have already been able to change the select via API REST with the contents of a UI Designer transitor variable, but now I need the contents to be of a process variable , it is possible?
